Three Hens and a Peacock - Lester Laminack, Henry Cole

This is the cutest book written by Lester L. Laminack. The story begins with a quiet day on the farm, until a strange box falls out of the back of a truck. A beautiful bird, with strange feathers, comes out of the box and struts to the farmers stand. Cars being stopping and taking pictures, and the farmer gets more business than ever. Back at the farm, the hens have became upset because they think they are performing all the work on the farm and the peacock gets to have all the fun. The four birds swap roles after guidance from the old hound, and at first it seems marvelous. To find out the fate of the birds, you will have to read the rest. At the end of this story, another mysterious box falls from the truck but no one knows what's inside. This would be a great writing activity for the class because they could make inferences about what was in the box and predict what would happen next on the farm. Another activity could be to compare and contrast this story to the "Three Little Pigs" by using a vinn-diagram. This text is a 3.3 on the Accelerated Reader scale.